The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – It is to act with yesterday’s logic.Peter Drucker
3. März 2017
The greatest danger in times of turbulence
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – It is to act with yesterday’s logic.Peter Drucker
Being a generalist will be less about “doing all sorts of work”, and more about “connecting everything”.Fabricio Teixeira & Caio Braga
Unsere Weisheit kommt aus unserer Erfahrung. Unsere Erfahrung kommt aus unseren Dummheiten. Sascha Guitry
Everybody has a plan, until he gets punched in the face.Mike Tyson
Die Menschen wollen nicht, dass es ihnen gut geht. Sie wollen, dass es ihnen besser geht.Dieter Nuhr
The performance of a system is not the sum of it’s parts. It’s the product of it’s interaction.Russell Ackoff
Put back the I in #Team! Everybody wants his individual contributions to be #valued. Team #success is possible by individual contributions.